• Phone: 0096170696697
  • Email: dawrimakheles@hotmail.com

About US

The (Dawri ma khellis )D.M.k. association has been working in Akkar for three years with the elderly, women, youth, the poorest families, and local authorities to promote the well-being of the community. In addition to other interventions in the region, especially with vulnerable groups such as women, children and people with special needs, D.M.K is currently working on several protection initiatives, accelerated vocational training, legal consultations and governance that aim to improve the daily lives of women and children in addition to empowering and integrating young people. It also seeks to secure care Health and social support for the third generation through health support and awareness-raising.

تعمل جمعية (دوري ما خلص) في عكار منذ ثلاث سنوات مع كبار السن والنساء والشباب والعائلات الأكثر فقرا والسلطات المحلية لتعزيز رفاهية المجتمع. بالإضافة إلى التدخلات الأخرى في المنطقة وخاصة مع الفئات المستضعفة كالنساء والأطفال وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ، تعمل حاليًا على العديد من مبادرات الحماية والتعليم المهني المعجل والاستشارات القانونية والحوكمة التي تهدف إلى تحسين الحياة اليومية للنساء والأطفال بالإضافة إلى تمكين الشباب وإدماجهم ، كما تسعى أيضا إلى تأمين الرعاية الصحية والاجتماعية للجيل الثالث من خلال الدعم الصحي ونشر التوعية .

What we are doing

We Are In A Mission To Help The Helpless

Care and support

Providing social care for the elderly and supporting charitable projects that care for them.

Provide health equipements

Providing the necessary health equipment for the elderly.

Workshops and training

Holding literacy education workshops and training courses for the elderly.

About our foundetion

We Are In A Mission To Help Helpless

Provided that the above-mentioned items are applied in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and after the approval of the competent authorities.The Dowri Ma Kheles Association in Akkar has been working for three years with women, youth, the elderly and local authorities to promote the well-being of the community. In addition to other interventions in the region, especially in times of crises, the Association is currently working on several protection, education, governance and psychosocial support initiatives aimed at improving the daily lives of women and children and the well-being of the third generation as well as youth empowerment and inclusion.

About US

Let's Change The World With Humanity

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Fund Raised

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